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Two name badges sit on a grey carpet. The badges are red with the company name

5 Reasons Why To Wear A Badge To A Networking Event

First Impressions
We all know how important first impressions are when meeting people for the first time. One of the most important things to do when you first meet someone is to build a relationship. Having your name readily available shows you are approachable.

Make Others Feel Comfortable
Having your badge on show makes others feel comfortable to to interact with you. Use your name badge as a platform to being welcoming and friendly.

Make It Easy For Interaction
Make sure not to wear your nametag below your breastbone. The most effective location is on the same side as the hand you use to handshake with.

It’s all about getting your brand out there and introducing others to become familiar with your brand. Wearing your badge shows your confident with your brand, and showcases who you represent.

Stand Out!
Stand out from the crowd & wear your badge with pride!

Made by Cooper
11 August 2015

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